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How does it work?

1.         Hold a "desk pet adoption day", learners select their desk pet and receive a pet enclosure/habitat as well as their desk name badges to place their desk pet on.

2.         Learners complete their adoption certificate and hand it back to their teacher.

3.         The desk pets sit on learners desks and are not allowed to be touched during class, learners may not trade desk pets with anyone else. Desk pets live in their habitat at school, they do not go home.

4.         Following your own reward system, once learners have accumulated a certain number of credits (let's say 15 merits), they can then "buy" an item (using their merit points) to add to their desk pets habitat. Learners then work hard to accumulate more merit points in order to buy something else to add to their pet desk enclosure through out the year. It should work out to roughly one or two "bought" items per term, if learners "buy" too many extra items, they will not all fit in the dome as the domes are petite.

5.         If learners do not take care of their desk pet or follow the rules, their pet may need to stay at the “vet” overnight.

6.         Learners get to keep and enjoy their pets until the end of year before taking them home.

It is important to note that the desk pets are not to be used as actual erasers :-)

*If you teach in a modular learning environment where children do not have their own allocated tables, set up a designated table with a 'Pet Daycare' label. This is where the desk pets stay.


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